New Arrivals Page 2
JC7560. Scheelite, epidote, andradite. Merrill prospect, Coyote ridge, Bishop Tungsten district, Inyo county, California. 4 x 8 cm 117g. $15.00 Several poorly formed scheelite crystals on poorly formed epidote and minor andradite. There were a couple of zones in this deposit, one zone being epidote rich, and the other zone andradite rich. I collected these in 2014. Bright white fluorescence on the scheelites. |
JC7560. Close up of left and center partial crystals. |
JC13457. Scheelite, andradite, epidote Merrill prospect, Coyote Ridge, Inyo county, California. 5 x 3 x 2 cm 33g $10.00 C: 2014 A single mostly complete light beige scheelite crystals in a nest of andradite with an epidote partial crystal on the right. |
JC13457. Slightly different angle |
JC13457. Close up of the scheelite crystal. |
JC4489. Almandine. Pee Wee Gulch, Nr. Emerald creek, Latah county, Idaho. 2.5 x 3 cm 23g. $8.00 . Although Garnet Gulch is the most often seen location for these, the mica schists that these occur in are scattered over a fairly large area. Pee Wee gulch is a nearby location. They look very similar to Garnet gulch specimens, but tend to be a bit more rounded and often have a bit of schist clinging to them. RESERVED |
JC8945. Calcite, hematite. Dal'negorsk, Kavalerovo mining district, Primorskiy Kray, Far-Eastern region, Russia. 2.5 x 4 cm 16g. $15.00. Nice hexagonal crystals, highly translucent with sparkling hematite. Cute miniature. |
JC8945. Another view. |
JC8945. Another view. |
JC8749. Stibnite. Wuning
Mine, Qingjiang, Wuning Co., Jiangxi, China. 9.5 cm long.
14g. $18.00 Has a flat termination. Single crystal
with smaller off shoot crystals near the base.
JC8749. Other views. |
JC8863. Azurite, malachite. Aranzazú mine (Cobre mine); Concepción del Oro, Concepción del Oro municipality, Zacatecas, Mexico 3.5 x 4.5 cm 78g $15.00 Brilliant blue small crystals with little malachites mixed in. |
JC8863. Closer view. |
JC12306. Fluorite. Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada 3.5 x 5 x 6 cm 127g $15.00 Collected in 2022. There are 3 zones of crystals at this mine, running approximately west to east. The left most zone has the honey color crystals, the central zone has the purple tinted, somewhat botryoidal looking material, and the east most zone has gray to light green crystals. This piece is from the eastern part of the deposit, with very pale green cubic crystals, quite transparent with good luster. |
JC12306. Another view. |
JC12312. Fluorite. Dixie mine, Mountain Wells district, Churchill county, Nevada 6 x 8 x 13 cm 595g $35.00 Collected in 2022. There are 3 zones of crystals at this mine, running approximately west to east. The left most zone has the honey color crystals, the central zone has the purple tinted, somewhat botryoidal looking material, and the east most zone has gray to light green crystals. This piece is from the eastern part of the deposit, with very pale green cubic crystals, quite transparent with good luster. Of interest is the knob on top, when looked at vertically and sidewise appears octahedral, probably just a fluke of nature rather than a coating of fluorite over an octahedral mineral, still interesting though. Cabinet size piece. |
JC12312. Another view. |
JC12312. Another view. |
JC12312. Another view. |
JC13453. Mimetite. Tsumeb mine, Tsumeb, Namibia. 9.0 x 5.0 x 4.5 cm 327g $85.00 Pale yellow, almost beige color, upstanding sprigs of mimetite, sort of like little pine apples, covering the front of the piece. Nice and sparkly. Ex Fabre Minerals collection; Ex Claus Hedegaard#10826 collection. Daylight photo. |
JC13453. Close up |
JC13453. LED light photograph. |
JC13453. Close up |
JC11697. Epidote, quartz. Pampa Blanca, Ica, Peru. 6 x 7.5 cm 165g. $25.00. From the finds of quite a few years ago now. Sprays of epidote green epidote crystals. |
JC11697. Another view. |
JC11697. Another view. |
JC11697. Another view. |
JC11697. Another view. |
JC11698. Wolframite, dolomite. Panasqueira Mines, Covilhă, Castelo Branco, Portugal. 5 x 10.5 cm 200g. $200.00. An impressive long wolframite crystal for Panasqueira. It is partially doubly terminated. The base of the crystal group, right hand end in this photo, is partially terminated. The left end is completely terminated. Luster is brilliant. The face has scattered little dolomite crystals on it, and there are a couple of hard to see arsenopyrite crystals stuck on the left half. The back is coated with beige dolomite rhombs. |
JC11698. Slightly different angle. |
JC11698. Back side, showing the dolomite rhombs. |
JC11097. Epidote. Kharan district, Balochistan region, Pakistan. 4.5 x 5 cm 35g. $25.00 Several sprays standing vertically off the matrix. Matrix appears to be albite. Nice luster. From the finds of a few years ago. |
JC11097. Another view. |
JC11097. Another view. |